Friday, July 3, 2009


This is a street near the center of the city of course:) Not that I live near the Old Market I just work close to this place;) But there are many things yet to be explored so now I present you a view on the beautiful church that is often visited by tourists. Just look on the colours of the buildings that surround this church... :)


Kasia said...

tak, Toruń to wspaniałe miasto, ale Poznań po zaprzyjaźnieniach też może być;) pozdrawiam:)

Leif Hagen said...

Beautiful old city center photo! I'd love to explore in that area for sure. Good cafe's there? Kind regards from EAGAN daily photo

crocrodyl said...

Podoba mi się ta alejka, Kościół i kolorowe budynki:) Witaj w CDP Community!
Pozdrawiamy z Nowego Sącza,

Anonymous said...

Lovely architecture, and the colours are beautiful too!

There are always new things we can find on our daily paths :)

Thanks for leaving a comment. I know it may impress you that I know Myslovitz, but it's because I have several Polish friends who have introduced me to their music :) Oh, and Everything is Illuminated is a premium book and film. I'm even thinking about going as Alex for an upcoming costume party.

ninja said...

Zaiste dobre zdjęcie.
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